
Email Wizard ICON

Email Wizard

Our easy and simple email editor lets you enhance your email campaign. You can use one of our templates or you can upload your own flyer.

Preview Email Function ICON

Preview Email Function

Our preview email function allows you to send as much preview emails you want. This will help you see the vision of what others will see once your campaign is sent out to recipients in our database.

Scheduled Email Delivery ICON

Scheduled Email Delivery

We give you this awesome feature which allows you to pick a date in our calendar when you’d want your campaign to be sent out.

Outstanding Customer Service ICON

Outstanding Customer Service

We truly understand how important it is to get your deals closed and using effective marketing techniques. ForwardMyListing.com is a company that values our customers. Our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority. Our goal is to help get your listing sold and to keep your phone ringing! We love when we get great feedback from our customers appreciating our service.

Forward to A Friend ICON

Review Email

Our email campaigns automatically include a “Forward to a friend” email link in the footer of each campaign to encourage our database of contacts to share your email with their contacts. This increases extra exposure for your real estate listings.

We Double Check Your Campaigns ICON

We Double Check Your Campaigns

Our marketing team reviews every campaign that is scheduled in our system. Our team expertise looks for common email marketing errors; for example images that do not upload properly on our templates and spelling errors. If our marketing team notices any issue we will notify you in advance before your flyer goes out. This process has helped thousands of our users avoid this potential mistake.

We Maintain Our Databases ICON

We Maintain Our Databases

We update and improve our database daily. We constantly add new contacts and subscribers on a daily basis. Unlike most of our competitors we remove all unsubscribes to guarantee your reaching the top level of quality recipients who openly want to receive your real estate deals.


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